Donald Trump State of The Union Drinking Game - Democratic Party Response Rules Included - 2018
It's been one year(dear lord it's only been one year) and Donald J. Trump is still president. That means it is time for the commander and chief's annual address to the nation.
Some people think that Trump is their savior, while others believe that he is evil incarnate. However, despite our difference I think we can all agree that this year has been absolutely ridiculous.
So I invite everyone to join as one in raising a glass to the next era of this great nation. Below is a drinking game that combines all of the greatest(yuge-est?) hits from the variety of public speaking events Trump has participated since he descended down the steps at Trump Tower.
You might be dreading the next 3 to 7 years as you are lead by a man who allegedly doesn't read anything, or you could be toasting to America's anticipated return to greatness.
Irregardless of your lens on the world, please remember to drink responsibly.
State of The Union Drinking Game Rules
Drink once whenever:
President Trump says "America first"
President Trump says "fake news"
President Trump says "so important"
President Trump says "legally" or "illegally"
President Trump says "all americans"
President Trump mentions "democrats"
President Trump takes credit for something
Vice President Mike Pence gives an agreeable nod
The camera zooms in on an empty seat
Drink three times whenever:
President Trump says "obstructionist"
President Trump says "make america great again"
President Trump mentions Hillary Clinton
President Trump calls out the Russia investigation
President Trump mentions the wall
President Trump mentions the FISA memo
Speaker Paul Ryan suddenly has a concerned look on his face
Drink five times whenever:
A network commentator interrupts the address with their thoughts while the address is still in-progress.
A congressperson shouts at President Trump during the address.
President Trump mentions Mexico paying for the wall
President Trump curses
Finish your drink if:
You suspect President Trump has gone into rally mode and starts "free-wheeling"
The address is ended pre-maturely for any reason
Any number of congresspersons kneel in protest
Any number of congresspersons walk out in the middle of the address
Drink everything if:
Protesters manage to break into the State of The Union Address
Opposition Response Drinking Game Rules
Drink once whenever:
The politician responding says racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or xenophobic
The politician responding mentions "dreamers"
The politician responding mentions Russia
The politician responding mentions minorities
Drink three times whenever:
The politician responding mentions "tax cuts for the wealthy"
The politician responding says "hurts the middle class"
The politician responding mentions resisting or "the resistance"
The politician responding mentions the failed healthcare vote
The politician responding mentions Mexico not paying for the wall
The politician responding mentions Putin
The politician responding mentions the "election hacking"
Drink five times whenever:
The politician responding mentions the popular vote.
A network commentator interrupts the response with their thoughts while the response is still in-progress.
Finish your drink if:
The politician responding cries
The politician responding calls for President Trump's impeachment
The video feed is lost