Game of Thrones Recap Season 5 Episode 10: Mother’s Mercy
The sacrifice (or just random weather) has melted enough snow for Stannis’s army to move. Unfortunately, half his army deserted and his wife hung herself in response to his actions. OOPS. He decides to march on Winterfell anyway…
...and is spotted by Pod, who informs Brienne. They abandon their watch of the Broken Tower to pursue Stannis and his army just before the candle is lit. I don’t know what her plan is, but she gets what she wants when...
...the Baratheon forces are routed. The Boltons send cavalry into the disorganized troops rather than wait to be sieged, and the result is a short, bloody massacre. A wounded Stannis attempts to escape the battlefield only to be met by Brienne, still holding a grudge over Renly. She gets a confession, draws her sword, and we cut away to…
...Sansa, returning from the Broken Tower. She runs into Crazy Miranda and Reek on the walls. Reek finally snaps and throws Crazy Miranda to her death before taking Sansa’s hand and jumping into a snowbank outside the castle walls.
The Wall
Jon tells Sam about Hardhome and they discuss their grim prospects.
Lore: Valyrian Steel Weapons
During their discussion, Sam and Jon wonder aloud how many valyrian steel weapons are left in the world. There certainly aren’t many, and Longclaw is the only one known to be near The Wall. The method used to forge valyrian steel was lost in The Doom, and since then some in circulation have been lost. The few that we know of include: Longclaw (Jon Snow), Hearstbane (Randyll Tarly, Sam’s father, The Reach), Lady Forlorn (The Vale), Nightfall (Iron Islands), Oathkeeper (Brienne), Red Rain (Iron Islands), and Widow’s Wail (Tommen). A handful of other weapons are scattered throughout Westeros, but notably one more could make an appearance soon: Dark Sister was last known to belong to Bloodraven, the tree-person currently training Bran Stark.
Sam proposes traveling south with Gilly and her baby to train in Oldtown as a Maester, and Jon accepts.
Meryn is abusing young girls in the brothel, but one proves difficult. She lifts her head to reveal the face of the young, sick girl who visited the House of Black and White. He punches her in the stomach, and Arya removes the mask before stabbing him through both eyes, soliloquizing, and opening his throat.
Arya returns the mask and is confronted by a displeased Jaqen. He puts her through a dizzying series of illusions, and suddenly Arya loses her vision.
The Martells send off the Lannisters, with Ellaria kissing Myrcella goodbye. On the ship, Myrcella stops Jaime from telling her about her parentage, confiding that she already knows. Her nose starts bleeding immediately thereafter as the poison in Ellaria’s lipstick begins to take effect.
Dany’s advisors gather to discuss next steps. Daario steps up and makes the plan: Grey Worm, Missandei, and Tyrion will rule Meereen while Jorah and Daario head north to find Dany.
Varys pops in to offer Tyrion his assistance and some much-needed bromance.
Unknown area outside Meereen
Dany tries to urge on the wounded and tired Drogon, who, unenthused, tosses her off his back and tries to fall asleep. Foraging for food, Dany is captured by what appears to be a Dothraki Khalasar and cleverly drops one of her rings in the grass for any rescuers.
King's Landing
Cersei confesses to the High Septon on the count of lying with Lancel Lannister. Her punishment is to walk, naked and barefoot, from the Sept of Baelor to the Red Keep; this is a long walk through some of the poorest parts of King’s Landing, and on the way she is pelted with insults and debris. At the Red Keep she is welcomed back by Qyburn and the now mobile zombie-Mountain.
The Wall
Davos is asking Jon to send troops to aid Stannis when Melisandre arrives, silently informing them of Stannis’s defeat and Shireen’s death.
Jon is reviewing messages when Olly comes in, promising news of his Uncle Benjen. Jon goes to investigate, only to find a cross marked “Traitor”. The men gathered there, starting with Aliser Thorne and ending with Olly, stab Jon in turn and leave him to die in the courtyard.
What changed?
Stannis is presumed dead, his army destroyed; Sansa and Theon are on the run; Arya is blind; Myrcella is dying; Dany is a captive of a Khalasar; Jon Snow is bleeding out.
Who's Missing?
Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Yara Greyjoy, Balon Greyjoy, Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Tommen Baratheon, Littlefinger
House Power Rankings
- House Tyrell - no change.
- House Lannister – no change, but Cersei is going to be one vengeful Queen Mother, especially when she learns about Myrcella.
- House Bolton – their primary threat has been defeated handily, but what’s next? If Sansa can escape, their hold on the north is loosened, and Cersei was already unhappy with their behavior
- House Targaryen – took a bit of a hit with Dany being captured, but we don’t know what the Khalasar intends for her, and she still knows how to ride the dragon sleeping not far from where she is
- House Greyjoy – no change.
- House Stark – hard to believe they aren’t in last anymore, but that honor now belongs to...
- House Baratheon – Robert and Renly are both dead. Stannis is presumed dead. He has no heir and no army. We might have to take them off the list next season.