Game of Thrones Recap Season 5 Episode 7: The Gift
The Wall
Jon and Tormund set off for Hardhome, leaving Aliser Thorne in charge. Maester Aemon passes away, and his body is burnt in a funeral pyre in the tradition of The Night’s Watch.
Two Brothers of the Night’s Watch attack Gilly before Sam intervenes. He gets a solid beating for his efforts, but before more can be done Ghost arrives and the attackers quickly retreat. Gilly is grateful and helps Sam break his Night’s Watch vows. Giggity.
A bruised Sansa asks Reek for help, giving him a candle to light in the Broken Tower. Instead, he informs Ramsay while Brienne watches the Tower from a distance.
In response to Sansa’s escape attempt, Ramsay flays the woman who sent Brienne’s message.
Snowed in between Winterfell and The Wall, Stannis decides to press on. Asked to help, Melisandre requests Stannis sacrifice Shireen for assistance, and Stannis sends her away.
Near Meereen
Jorah is auctioned off as a warrior, and Tyrion manages to go with him.
Dany and her fiance are in attendance for a demonstration before the Fighting Pits are re-opened. Dany watches in horror as the fighting plays out until Jorah dons a helmet and enters the fray, incapacitating the remaining fighters. Tyrion is freed in time to introduce himself, preventing Jorah Mormont from being dragged away in chains.
King's Landing
Olenna confronts the High Sparrow and threatens to cut off the food supply of King’s Landing. He refuses all efforts at coercion, claiming true piety. Tommen is having trouble coping with recent developments and wants to start a war to free his wife. Cersei offers to talk to the High Sparrow, and they share a touching mother-son moment.
Littlefinger meets with Olenna in the ruins of one of his brothels, and promises her a gift.
Cersei visits Margaery, imprisoned in the Sept of Baelor, and rubs some salt in her wounds. Figuratively. You’d be forgiven for wondering if I meant literally. Unfortunately for Cersei, her visit doesn’t end there; on the way out she is confronted by the High Sparrow, who arrests her for her incestuous and insidious relationship with Lancel.
Lore: The Relationship Between The Faith Militant and the Iron Throne
Spoiler alert: it isn’t great. Prior to the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror, the Faith of the Seven was already entrenched in Westeros, with a High Septon in Oldtown commanding a large army called the Faith Militant. They co-existed peacefully for a time, but full war broke out in the reign of Maegor I (the Cruel). After six bloody years of Maegor’s reign, they were still outlawed when King Jaehaerys I (the Conciliator) forged an agreement disbanding the Faith Militant in exchange for royal protection of the Faith. That agreement lasted over 200 years until Queen Mother Cersei Lannister gave weapons to the Faith again.
Jaime asks Myrcella to come back to King’s Landing, but she refuses out of love for her adopted home and Trystane. Bronn is in jail across from the Sand Snakes. Tyene teases Bronn to an agitated state, activating the venom from her blade, but gives him the antidote before he dies.
What changed?
Jon is on his way to Hardhome; the Night’s Watch is wasting no time falling into bad habits in his absence; Tyrion and Jorah are united with Dany; Cersei has been imprisoned by The Faith.
Who's Missing?
Varys, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Yara Greyjoy, Balon Greyjoy, Roose Bolton, Loras Tyrell, The Dragons
House Power Rankings
- House Tyrell - didn’t improve much, but Cersei is imprisoned leaving Tommen in charge of...
- House Lannister – that plan didn’t take long to backfire spectacularly.
- House Bolton – the snow giving Stannis’s army difficulty bodes well for these Dickbags
- House Greyjoy – no change
- House Baratheon – in trouble if they get stuck in the snow between Winterfell and The Wall. Also in trouble if they retreat to The Wall. Basically they need to take Winterfell, and soon
- House Targaryen – depending on how/if Dany chooses to utilize Tyrion’s skills, his presence could be a huge boon to their hopes
- House Stark – no change.