Game of Thrones Season 7 Predictions
Hello there, QQ readers and fellow Game of Thrones addicts! I'm so excited you've decided to join us as we attempt to fill the void in our hearts and Sunday night routines. With the delay from the usual schedule, it has now been over a year since the Season 6 finale of Game of Thrones. During that time we've re-read the books (you haven't?), recorded podcasts, and consolidated the history of the realm for curious show-watchers.
I planned to identify 10-15 important questions and ended up with a list of 32 of varying quality. Oops! Luckily, Weems, Madds, and Yax are supportive of my habits, so we have ourselves a competition! Predictions will only cover Season 7, and each loser must send one bottle of whiskey to the winner. Let's prognosticate!
House Lannister:
Will Cersei Lannister survive Season 7? (split)
Cersei wiped out most of the enemies she knew in one big move; will it be enough to protect her from those she doesn't see coming?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: No
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
If not, who kills Cersei? (consensus)
Tyrion needs no encouragement; Jaime has seen his sister turn into the king he forsook his vows to kill; plenty of options!
- Truck: Jaime
- Madds: Jaime
- Weems: Jaime
- Yax: Jaime
Does Euron form an alliance with Cersei? (consensus)
Both seem to be alone in a world now defined by a large host under the Targaryen banner to the south and the Stark banner to the north. Do the others remain together?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
Which Lannister drinks most, Cersei or Tyrion?
This is a rule in our Game of Thrones drinking game for a reason; Cersei has no reason for concern until another army arrives, and Tyrion may well be traveling through Dorne and the Reach, both famous for their wine
- Truck: Tyrion
- Madds: Tyrion
- Weems: Cersei
- Yax: Tyrion
Lannister deaths, over/under 1.5? (consensus)
If you don't think Cersei dies, this one is easy; if not, do Tyrion or Jaime die along with their sister?
- Truck: Under
- Madds: Under
- Weems: Under
- Yax: Under
Is Tyrion reunited with either of his siblings? (consensus)
Jaime has promised to kill Tyrion on sight while Cersei hardly needs to verbalize her intentions. Will speaking in person change their minds?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
House Targaryen
Will Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow meet? (split)
(Perhaps the only) Two remaining Targaryens are now situated to guide the future of Westeros. Will their paths cross?
- Truck: No
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: No
- Yax: Yes
Do any of Daenerys's dragons die? (split)
In theory, Dany would need three dragonriders for her children. If a third doesn't exist, does it suggest one of the three will die?
- Truck: No
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: No
- Yax: Yes
Does Dany get married again? (consensus)
Weddings in this world can be for strategy or love; will either be enough to force Dany into another arrangement?
- Truck: No
- Madds: No
- Weems: No
- Yax: No
Does anyone besides Daenerys ride a dragon? (split)
You don't have to be a Targaryen to ride a dragon, but it certainly helps.
- Truck: No
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: No
If so, who? (split)
- Truck: Jon Snow
- Madds: Jon Snow
- Weems: Tyrion Lannister
- Yax: Tyrion Lannister
Does Daenerys get attacked before making landfall on Westeros? (split)
Dany's forces seem overwhelming to those we've seen in Westeros; will they be thinned before she can deploy them?
- Truck: Yes
Madds: No - Weems: No
- Yax: Yes
If so, by who? (Greyjoys, Lannisters, Squishers, other) (split)
- Truck: Greyjoys
- Madds: Greyjoys
- Weems: Squishers
- Yax: Greyjoys
House Stark
Will Sansa kill Littlefinger? (split)
She has reasons on reasons on reasons; has Littlefinger's political guidance deterred her from throwing him off the ladder
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: No
- Yax: Yes
Is Sansa pregnant with Ramsay's child? (split)
A theory I've seen a lot around the internet; it was Ramsay's goal, but does Sansa's path get even MORE difficult?
- Truck: No
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
Does Jon learn about his parentage? (split)
Bran and Howland Reed are the two characters we've seen with knowledge of the Tower of Joy; will either cross paths with the new King in the North?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: No
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
If so, who tells him? (Bran, Howland Reed, Samwell Tarly, or other) (split)
- Truck: Bran
- Madds: Howland Reed
- Weems: Bran
- Yax: Bran
Is Arya reunited with any of her siblings? (consensus)
Arya is currently in the Riverlands, and it shouldn't take long for news of Jon's victory at the Battle of Winterfell to travel. Will she head north to join him? Or south to make more progress on her list?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
Does another Stark die? (split)
Of the original eight (Ned, Catelyn, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon, and Jon), four are dead. Will the rest make it through Season 7?
- Truck: No
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: No
Does Sansa travel south of the Neck? (consensus)
It's hard to imagine Jon not returning to the Wall, but Sansa now has some degree of control over the army of the Vale; will she join Jon or set her sights elsewhere?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
Do any of the remaining direwolves die? (split)
Lady, Grey Wind, Shaggydog, and Summer have all died; can Ghost and Nymeria survive?
- Truck: No
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
White Walkers
Will the White Walkers make it south of the Wall? (consensus)
The series has been setting us up for the larger fight to come; will it begin now? Or not until Season 8?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
Does the Night King's brand on Bran have a negative effect on the Wall? (split)
Benjen Stark says he can't cross the Wall because of spells built into it; we've seen the Night King's brand undo spells at the weirwood tree, but will it do the same to the Wall?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: No
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: No
How far south do the White Walkers get (closest to the mark)? (split)
If they end up making it past the Wall, does the season end then? Or do they, and winter, push farther into Westeros?
- Truck: Winterfell
- Madds: The Neck
- Weems: Winterfell
- Yax: The Wall
Does the Tarth-Giantsbane romance move forward and get physical? (split)
This is the best remaining source of joy in the show; I don't care what you predict, but I'm disappointed if you don't want to see this through
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: No
Does the Hound fight the Mountain? (consensus)
It would be delightfully poetic; typically George doesn't give us that type of satisfaction
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
Do we see anyone in the Tarly family besides Sam? (consensus)
Last season we learned that Randyll Tarly was as bad as Sam portrayed; will he or his son try to recover Heartsbane?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
Does Gendry make an appearance? (split)
A bastard son of Robert Baratheon has value towards the throne, and Gendry might know how to re-work Valyrian steel; is either enough to bring the last remaining Baratheon back?
- Truck: No
Madds: Yes - Weems: Yes
- Yax: No
Do we spend any time in Essos? (split)
Dany left Daario in charge and Jorah is searching for a cure to an incurable disease; do we have to cross the Narrow Sea again?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: No
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
Will the Sand Snakes accomplish anything of significance? (consensus)
So far they've assassinated a few of their targets with help from a surprisingly unprepared Prince; will they get more?
- Truck: No
- Madds: No
- Weems: No
- Yax: No
Does present-day Howland Reed make an appearance? (consensus)
One of two people we know with knowledge of Jon's birth, and Lord of the key to attacking the North from the south; will he make an appearance?
- Truck: Yes
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes
Do we see Jorah Mormont? (split)
Covered in greyscale, stranded in Essos; what could his story have to do with the endgame?
- Truck: No
- Madds: Yes
- Weems: Yes
- Yax: Yes