The Oscars Drinking Game - 2017

The Oscars Drinking Game - 2017

With the NFL season coming to a close, the TV junkies here at Questionably Qualified have been eagerly waiting for Game of Thrones to start back up so we can get our drink on. Things have gotten so desperate that we have been resorting to White House Press Briefings to get our fix.

Fortunately, we are about to be graced by the annual awards show where Hollywood actors use the vast economic and legal knowledge they acquired on set to advise world leaders 45 seconds at a time.

Yes the Academy Awards are upon us, and yes in standard QQ fashion we have made a drinking game to go along with it. As always, please play responsibly.

1 Drink:

  • A winner says “I’m sure I’m forgetting…” in their acceptance speech

  • A presenter introduces the nominees for a category

  • A winner thanks god

  • A white person wins an award

2 Drinks:

  • A minority wins an award

  • Someone gets played off during their acceptance speech

  • Someone references the President

  • Any time the camera pans to Meryl Streep

3 Drinks:

  • Someone cries

  • Someone references Trump by name

4 Drinks:

  • Drink when you see someone drink

5 Drinks:

  • Someone calls a person or a movie by the wrong name

10 Drinks:

  • Wardrobe malfunction

  • F-bombs

  • Announcing the wrong winner

Pick the Winner: After the nominees are announced, pick who you think will win; if you’re right, give out a drink, if you’re wrong, take a drink!

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