Ramsay Bolton routs Stannis's army; Arya takes a life for personal reasons; the Sand Snakes strike again; Dany finds the fire following her frying pan; Cersei walks for atonement; the Night's Watch mutinies.
All tagged Game of Thrones Season 5 Recap
Ramsay Bolton routs Stannis's army; Arya takes a life for personal reasons; the Sand Snakes strike again; Dany finds the fire following her frying pan; Cersei walks for atonement; the Night's Watch mutinies.
Ramsay's ill-advised idea succeeds (naturally); Jon returns to the Wall with the surviving Wildlings; Doran and Jaime reach an agreement; Arya shirks her duty; Drogon comes to Dany's rescue.
Tyrion offers his services to Dany; Cersei resists her imprisonment; Sansa learns about her brothers; Jon presents his case to the Wildlings before he is interrupted by the Night's King.
Jon and Tormund depart for Hardhome; Reek stays Reek; Jorah finds Dany again; Cersei visits Margaery; the Sand Snakes use their venom.
Dany visits her dragons; Stannis leaves the Wall; Ramsay discovers he has competition; Jorah and Tyrion float near Valyria.
Cersei gets closer with the High Sparrow; Jon turns down Melisandre; Sansa learns about her Aunt Lyanna; we meet the Sand Snakes; Barristan the Bold draws his sword.
Tommen makes Margaery his Queen; the Faith of the Seven gets physical; Jon dispenses Northern justice; Tyrion is kidnapped.
Arya finds a new home; Brienne finds another Stark daughter; Jaime leaves King's Landing and picks up Bronn; Jon is nominated for Lord Commander, Dany tries to manage civil strife
Cersei receives a troubling prophecy; Lancel finds religion; Tyrion and Varys join forces; Jon shows mercy.